Hi, I’m a Purple Belt, Brown Belt, Black Belt, writer, Web Designer, and Digital Marketing dude. Just like you, I am many things to many people, I’m pretty much just an ordinary person.

In addition to writing for this BJJ Blog: I also have contributed to Jiu-Jitsu Magazine, and maintain all things web for my BJJ Academy.
To me, biographies/about pages are very peculiar things. It does not come naturally to me to speak about… me. If I am being honest, it causes me discomfort. But, we must have an about page amirite? So, here I am talking about me, to you, even though it feels alien and douchey. I give you my word, I am not as pompous or self-important as this page (or blog) may, unfortunately, portray me to be. So, never hesitate to introduce yourself to me if you happen to see me out and about, okay? I’m alright. I promise.
My goal with this bjj blog is to share my experiences and, through them, hope to give you something unique and of value.
So sit back, relax, grab a cup of coffee/tea and join me.
My Grappling History
White Belt
I trained in the art of Jiu-Jitsu for the very first time in the spring of 2007. I started out training only twice a week at a local martial arts school. I unofficially own the Guinness World Record for worst white belt in the history of ever.
As a white belt the grappling program I was in, only offered two days a week. In addition, at the time, I was much more interested in resistance training (lifting weights) and creating my physique (body building). Think of Nicky Rodriguez minus any ADCC accolades, wrestling ability, or any athleticism at all.
Thus, most of the time, I only trained once a week. I never competed as a white belt, and I regretted that at first. But, now looking back, it was probably a good thing at the time.
Blue Belt
I was able to climb the ranks to blue belt in a very short time probably due the quality of instruction I was receiving. I believe it was in the fall of 2008.
After receiving my blue belt, I was walked away from BJJ due to academic priorities and professional obligations.
I made the return to BJJ in January of 2012. Ultimately, I was interested in expressing myself through the martial art of Jiu-Jitsu and having as much fun as possible while doing it. Returning as a fresh blue belt after years of not training was rough. Everyone beat me up. Everyone. But, I stuck to it.
Purple Belt
I was promoted to Purple Belt on Saturday June 8th, 2013 – here’s a blog post about getting promoted to purple belt. The transition from blue belt to purple belt was probably the roughest one for me personally on a physical level.
Not too long after getting the purps, I seperated my shoulder and was off the mats for a few months.
Then as I was ramping up my training, I had a horrendous knee injury that pretty much wiped out the rest of the year. I lost a whole year of training.
After rehabbing my knee injury. I came back to training with something to prove to myself. I took my instructor aside and told him I wanted to not only regain my abilities, but completely surpass them. I wanted to break self imposed mental limits.
I was able to put together my best competitive performance to date.
Brown Belt aka Faixa Marrom
Saturday, December 5th 2015 I was promoted to brown belt.
Black Belt aka Faixa Preta
I was promoted to Black Belt on November 23rd, 2019.
My Lineage (Because it Matters to Some People, I guess)
Mitsuyo Maeda > Carlos Gracie > Reyson Gracie > Osvaldo Alves > Fabrício Martins > Ricardo Reis > Cassio Werneck > Marcos Torregrosa > Me
I like this picture even though I am in it.
It was never my intent to become an active competitor. Instead, I saw bjj competition as an opportunity to do the things that I really wanted to do: travel, achieve elite level fitness, and learn a martial art.
Since then I’ve learned a bit about Jiu-Jitsu, the strategies required to become successful, and the art, science, and practice of: grappling.
On the podium with my instructor showing our medals. At the 2012 IBJJF Phoenix Open, my first tournament ever.
You are probably one as well (at least I’d assume so if you are reading this blog)! My guess is that you’re either one today or you want to be one someday (perhaps very soon).
Team Up With Me Through Your Journey
My ideal audience, truth be told, would be people starting to get into jiu-jitsu. That encompasses anyone doing a google search for local jiu-jitsu academies in their area as well as the blue belt who is well on his way to attain his purple belt. So join me! We’ll have a lot of fun, hopefully. With any luck, maybe I’ll write something that you can connect with. If you have ever asked yourself:
- What do I need to do to improve my jiu-jitsu?
- What bjj gear should I buy?
- How do I become a legitimate grappling competitor?
- What’s should I be eating to enhance my Jiu-Jitsu performance?
- How do world champion instructors teach jiu-jitsu?
- Why am I still getting smashed in training?
- What is the best bjj advice?
..You’re at the RIGHT place! I don’t believe in spam, in fact I HATE other blogs that spam you on social media sites or email. I also hate when other blogs talk about the same things everyone else is talking about. We don’t need to read the exact same content on 3-6 different websites. So, I invite you to find a way to remain updated on this blog that suits you.
Posts I’m Most Proud Of:
- When you are feeling crummy about your progress in jiu-jitsu.
- Don’t know how to wash your bjj gear? Check this out.
- Washing your bjj gear part 2! The black & dark stuff.
- The day I received my purple belt in bjj.
- On what it took to get promoted to brown belt.
- My growing list of recipes for recovery and weight loss.
If you want to contact me, here are some options.