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Wartape Social Media Contest Giveaway
Hey guys, let’s make this concise. Because, as beautiful as my words are, you are here for one thing and one thing only: to get your hands on some great athletic tape for your bjj fingers. I have teamed up with Wartape to create a social media contest to create some buzz in the bjj community for one of their products before the launch of their new beautiful website. Specifically speaking, we want to create some buzz about their half inch tape product.
The tape is GREAT for your fingers. My instructor uses it every day twice a day and he says it’s the only thing keeping his hands healthy. Lots of years of spider guard can wreck havoc on those finger joints!
However, rather than selling you on why this product is great. We want to get the tape in and around your fingers so you can be the judge.
We will be giving away twenty-four rolls to twelve lucky winners. You may enter more than once, AND you can enter on more than one social network (if you’d like).
You can enter via Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter.
Check out the details below and make sure to read the entire post…
This Contest is Now Closed. Winners will be announced soon.
3 Steps to Enter the Wartape Promotional Giveaway on Instagram:
- Follow: @bjjgrappling
- Follow: @wartape1
- Post the picture below with the following description:
@bjjgrappling @wartape1 Finally some athletic tape that is made for #BJJ athletes. I can’t wait to protect my #BJJFingers with #WarTape. (You can also include any other hashtags you would like.)
To get multiple entries on Instagram, you may tag other jiu-jitsu friends on your post. Each user tagged becomes another entry for you.
4 Steps to Enter the Wartape Promotional Giveaway on Twitter:
- Follow: @RubenEAvila
- Follow: @warworldwide
- Using the text: This #WarTape is also great for #BJJFingers @bjjgrappling @warworldwide
- Retweet the following status:
To get multiple entries on Twitter, you may retweet this message twice a day until the contest is over.
Each retweet becomes another entry for you.
4 Steps to Enter the Wartape Promotional Giveaway on Facebook:
- Like: The Gentle Artist
- Like: WarWorldWide
- Share: Both of those facebook pages with your friends on facebook and make the post public.
- Then come here and post a comment with a link to your facebook profile page.
To get multiple entries on Facebook, share this url:
You can tag any friends you’d like to tag.
Every 5 likes on your status becomes another entry for you.
I signed up!
Ruben, will you be writing an article on this year’s Pan Ams?
Sy, I think I will be doing something about the close outs. Still gathering my thoughts.
Cool, yeah it seems like there was a lot f buzz about the close outs this year. Every year there is a little talk but this year having 5 (I think?) made it a pretty hot topic. The other topic I heard people talking about a little bit is how Galvao was “gifted” a couple of wins by the ref? Something about resetting in the wrong position…I didn’t see his matches yet so I’m not sure what the talk was about.
oh btw, forgot to link my FB page:
Well, since nobody else has commented I’d say my chances are pretty good!
Forgot to link to my fb page
It’s weird, the FB entries have been much slower than Twitter and Instagram. Good luck!
I want to try me some Future tape. I go through 5 rolls of trainers tape a month on my fingers / toes. Would love to use some quality / afforadable tape.
This tape is not only high quality but also affordable. It sells for slightly cheaper than regular tape. Makes no sense NOT to start using it.
Facebook entry:
Wish me luck! Facebook entry:
Please disregard the first one. Had to make some changes.
I’m so stoked!
Good luck, Yves!
Good luck, Dakota!
Ruben, I may have over looked it, but is there any information on when the winners will be chosen? Thanks
They will be announced very soon. The contest is officially over now.
Good luck Stephanie!
Ahh thank you, I hope I win! 🙂
I hope you win, too. 🙂