I enjoyed how Kron described, what he thought would be, a match that was insignificant and easy turn into his worst nightmare and, subsequently, one of the best moments of his career. I also found his non-verbal communication with his father, Rickson Gracie, to be fascinating as well.
While in the middle of a heated match, Kron knew exactly what his father was thinking all the way in the audience by a mere glance at his facial expression.
Kron Talks About his Match Against Garry Tonon
I’m losing the match. I am doing everything I can to survive. I put my life into escaping. I finally escape, and I look over at my Dad and I ask him how much time is left.
He says, “one minute,” and I can feel, in the way he said it, he was so disappointed – like, “oh, you fucking idiot, how could you let this happen to you?”
Kron Gracie
So I’m like, “Okay.” I had been training a lot of one-minute drills. So, in my mind, one minute is a long time. I drilled for hours where I have a fresh guy come in every minute for months. I’m going nuts, I pass his guard and I get his back. I look over at the score. I thought it was 3-3, but it was 6-3; I didn’t know he had gotten the back points twice. So I’m going for the choke, he’s defending well. I’m like, “I’m not going to stop, I’m not going to stop.” I squeezed with everything I had left.
He tapped out with three seconds left on the clock.
So, that was my first day.
Kron Gracie
Entire Match – Kron Gracie vs Garry Tonon 2013 ADCC
Eddie Bravo and Joe Rogan Talking About Kron Gracie’s 2013 ADCC Run:
Listening to Eddie Bravo and Joe Rogan nerd out on Kron’s 2013 ADCC run is also very satisfying. In particular, it’s interesting to compare and contrast all the different perspectives about the same event, and the magic that can occur at combat sporting events.
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