Someone asked me, “is there a difference between BJJ Takedowns & Judo Throws?”
In theory, no not really. But, in practice and actual application there can definitely be some differences in the judo throws & bjj takedowns. The reason for these differences mainly come about due to the way these two martial arts are expressed in sport. The sport of BJJ has many rules to keep its competitors safe. In addition, the rules of sport JUDO also has its own set of rules for safety concerns. In order to be a successful competitor, you must know these rules and operate within them soundly during your attempts to throw a competitor.
So, many BJJ fighters will not use certain judo throws that you would see in JUDO because it may put them at risk for “giving up the back.” Other BJJ fighters will make adjustments to judo throw techniques in order to make it work for their specific game. Sometimes, these adjustments are frowned upon by JUDO traditionalists because they feel that it’s a sacrifice of judo throw technical soundness.