I do it because it’s hard. Because it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. And because it never ends. Every day presents me with a series of problems that I spend the rest of the day thinking about how I might solve — or at least chip away at. Next day same. And the day after that.
— Anthony Bourdain
I do it because it’s hard. Because it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. And because it never ends. Every day presents me with a series of problems that I spend the rest of the day thinking about how I might solve — or at least chip away at. Next day same. And the day after that.Click To Tweet
This, for me, is what keeps BJJ interesting. I think if you ever get to a place where it feels like there is no challenge, you need to change up what you’re doing, how you’re doing it, or where you’re doing it. I think it’s also good for the brain – it’s adaptive, so you never QUITE get used to it – it’s not the same dang thing every day.
I love the infinite ways we have to express ourselves via this beautiful art. So much that I can’t seem to focus on anything in specific to really “master” it. But, I enjoy being a “jack of all trades.” Like you said, it keeps things interesting.
That short paragraph really sums up what I love about the art as well. Every day, we face countless difficulties on the mat. It’s never ending. And that’s what makes it so great.
Thanks for dropping me a note, Kenneth. I agree, the ever evolving maze that is this art is very enjoyable and keeps me coming back.